On Chain Moiré Displays (Now Minting)

Moiré Displays

In mathematics, physics, and art, moiré patterns are large-scale interference patterns that can be produced when an opaque ruled pattern with transparent gaps is overlaid on another similar pattern. For the moiré interference pattern to appear, the two patterns must not be completely identical, but rather displaced, rotated, or have slightly different pitch.

On Chain Moiré Displays creates this effect with very simple patterns that are layered and rotated at different speeds. Moiré Displays uses color theory to select the colors on each layer to create very striking emergent global effects.

The patterns are repeating triangles, rectangles, or hexagons of varying size. Each of the layers is rotated at a different speed. The combination of the pattern, the animated layers, and the colors chosen for each layer create the varying moiré effect.

Moiré Displays are a milestone in on-chain generative art, providing an animated experience rivaling the best off chain projects.

Your mints will show up immediately below, and you can also view your mints on OpenSea.

NFT Specs

Discounts for On Chain Projects

Note: you only have to own one of the discounted NFTs to get the discount on any number of mints. The number of discounted NFTs you own is not tied to the number you mint, one is enough to get the discount price.

What Does On Chain Mean?

On Chain means no dependencies on anything other than the Ethereum blockchain. All of the data and metadata associated with the NFT is generated on demand directly from the Ethereum blockchain. No IPFS, no API, and no reliance on any third party. Ever.

Further, you can even display on chain art by pasting the payload returned from the Ethereum blockchain directly in a browser. On chain art is the only way to guarantee the integrity of your NFTs forever into the future.

On Chain NFTs for Collectors

Assuming all else is equal, on chain NFTs will inherently have much more value than other NFTs. In other words, if you can get a similar NFT on chain, then it should be preferred since you never have to worry about a 3rd party going out of business or losing the NFT data. Just project 5, 10, 50, or 100 years into the future, and on chain NFTs will always be available on demand.


Funds from the drop will go to the following:

Display Layouts and Rarity

The form factor is contained in the Display layouts. These represent common web page design patterns or templates. There are nine possible layouts, with the number of viewports and associated rarity percentages.

The Hexagonal pattern is rare, with only a 10% chance of being included in a viewport. If the 10% chance is met, there is then a 33% chance that a hexagonal pattern will appear in one of the viewports.

Moiré Displays should be viewed with a 16:9 resolution. The default size is 1280x720, but since SVG is used, this can be scaled to any dimension. Moiré Displays will look amazing on large screen sizes, up to any size.

Mint Variation

There is almost endless variation in the Moiré Displays algorithm. It's very unlikely that any two will be the same. Each viewport on each display is randomly constructed with a base color, a pattern, and a pattern style. Up to 4 layers of different colors (derived from the base color) are stacked and rotated at different speeds in each viewport. The nine layouts and 360 base colors along with the randomly constructed viewports provide millions of possible mints.

Your Mints

Your mints will appear below, as well as some sample mints of the different layouts.

Magazine Layout

Split Layout

Sidebar Layout

Split Layout

Z Layout

Grid Layout